Qualifications - Studies - Trainings

** From Argentina **

- Life Saver Certificate - Directorate of National Physical Education & International Red Cross - Bahia Blanca (1973)
- CO.N.E.T. No 2 - Technical College - Electrician & Cabinet Maker - Joiner (Both trades) - 1976
- English language at Windsor College - Bahia Blanca
(1972 - 1973) – Unfinished.
- Radio & Television Technician - IADE - Rosario - (1977)
- Electrician License (Class A) - Agua & Energia Electrica (Water & Energy National Authority) - Rosario - 1980
- English language (Advanced) at ARICANA College - Rosario (1985 - 1986) - Unfinished due to my migration to Australia in September 1986.

"Truth cannot be given to you by somebody.
You have to discover it; and to discover
there must be a state of mind in which
there is direct perception".
- J. Krishnamurti -

** From Australia **

- Sound Recording Technician - NRS Canberra, ACT - (1992)
- Cabinet Maker / Joiner Certificate (ACT Gov) - with full trade recognition (1995)
- Certificate IV Computer Graphics & Office Administration - TAFE - (1997)
- Former Interpreter / Translator - Centrelink (former Australian Government Social Security) (2000)
- Diploma on Information Technology - PC & Network Systems - TAFE - (2000)
- 2 Certificates in Business Management & Marketing (1993 + 2002)
- Safety Certificate 30215 - Qld. (2002 - 2003)
- Certificate IV Assessment & Workplace Training (2003)
- Forklift + Scissor Lift Operator (2005)
- BSA - Queensland Contractor's License (2007 - 2011)
- C.A.S.A. Aeronautical Radio Operator (2014)
- C.A.S.A. UAV Controller Professional Drones License (2015)
- Radio Broadcaster & Panel Operator License - Brisbane - (Active since 2020)